Three exclusive Diamond tables (8 people per table) at the center front of the room.
Recognition during the live event.
Name/logo on the Gala website and program as well as a single slide shown multiple times across two screens at the event.
Name/logo and sponsorship level on multiple canvases stationed throughout event.
Highlighted in event communication and social media.
One Clocktower Brick with name (placed in the walkway leading up to the clocktower).
Name/logo with sponsorship displayed on a crystal plaque
that will be presented before the live auction.
Platinum ($5,000 - $9,999)
Identified as a Key Sponsor.
Two Platinum tables (8 people per table).
Recognition during the live event.
Name/logo on the Gala website and program as well as on a slide shared with up to one other sponsor shown multiple times across two screens at the event.
Name/logo and sponsorship level on multiple canvases stationed throughout the event.
Highlighted in event communication and social media.
Name/logo with sponsorship displayed on plaque that will
be presented before the live auction.
Gold ($3,000 -$4,999)
Identified as a Sponsor.
One table (8 people per table).
Recognition during the live event.
Name/logo on the Gala website, program, and one canvas at event, as well as on a slide shared with up to three other sponsors shown multiple times across two screens at the event.
Name/logo with sponsorship displayed on plaque that will
be presented before the live auction.
Silver ($1,000 - $2,999)
Identified as a Sponsor.
4 event tickets at an 8-person table.
Name/logo on the Gala website, program, and one canvas at event, as well as on a slide shared with up to five other sponsors shown multiple times across two screens at the event.
Bronze ($500 - $999)
Identified as a Sponsor.
Name/logo on the Gala website and program as well as on a slide shared with up to seven other sponsors shown multiple times across two screens at the event.