UACCM Gala Fundraiser

Sponsorship Levels

Become A Sponsor

Diamond ($10,000 and above)

  • Identified as a Primary Sponsor.
  • Three exclusive Diamond tables (8 people per table) at the center front of the room.
  • Recognition during the live event.
  • Name/logo on the Gala website and program as well as a single slide shown multiple times across two screens at the event.
  • Name/logo and sponsorship level on multiple canvases stationed throughout event.
  • Highlighted in event communication and social media.
  • One Clocktower Brick with name (placed in the walkway leading up to the clocktower).
  • Name/logo with sponsorship displayed on a crystal plaque
    that will be presented before the live auction.

Platinum ($5,000 - $9,999)

  • Identified as a Key Sponsor.
  • Two Platinum tables (8 people per table).
  • Recognition during the live event.
  • Name/logo on the Gala website and program as well as on a slide shared with up to one other sponsor shown multiple times across two screens at the event.
  • Name/logo and sponsorship level on multiple canvases stationed throughout the event.
  • Highlighted in event communication and social media.
  • Name/logo with sponsorship displayed on plaque that will
    be presented before the live auction.

Gold ($3,000 -$4,999)

  • Identified as a Sponsor.
  • One table (8 people per table).
  • Recognition during the live event.
  • Name/logo on the Gala website, program, and one canvas at event, as well as on a slide shared with up to three other sponsors shown multiple times across two screens at the event.
  • Name/logo with sponsorship displayed on plaque that will
    be presented before the live auction.

Silver ($1,000 - $2,999)

  • Identified as a Sponsor.
  • 4 event tickets at an 8-person table.
  • Name/logo on the Gala website, program, and one canvas at event, as well as on a slide shared with up to five other sponsors shown multiple times across two screens at the event.

Bronze ($500 - $999)

  • Identified as a Sponsor.
  • Name/logo on the Gala website and program as well as on a slide shared with up to seven other sponsors shown multiple times across two screens at the event.