College Values

UACCM serves students. We respect the diversity of our student body and recognize the individual worth and potential of each student. Further, we acknowledge that students can best be served in a college environment that recognizes the importance and contribution of each faculty and staff member who collectively create a positive synergistic learning environment. Faculty, staff, and students should have the opportunity to enhance their potential for purposeful, gratifying, and productive lives.

Therefore, the college affirms the following values and beliefs in a conscious effort to guide the environment of the college for the benefit of our students, employees, and community.

  • Commitment to Students—Belief in the priority of providing the finest instructional resources and support services to enhance the growth and development of our students.
  • Excellence in Education—Commitment to high standards in the College which are demonstrated through quality educational programs and student-centered support services.
  • Contribution to Community—Recognition of the importance of enhancing the economic vitality and quality of life for all citizens in its service area.
  • Quality Work Environment—Recognition of the importance of faculty and staff through open, honest communications, appropriate involvement in planning and decision making, encouragement of responsible and creative risk-taking, recognition, and provision for professional development.

The primary objective of UACCM is to provide freshman- and sophomore-level technical, occupational, and academic courses, as well as avocational opportunities to the communities it serves. In doing so, and by accomplishing the Mission of the College, we strive to be recognized as a college that cares about its students and their needs, is dedicated to high academic standards, is adaptable to the ever-changing technology of business and industry, and is committed to the future. As students enroll in UACCM and faculty, staff, and administrators are hired, the College expects them to commit to the mission, objectives, and values of UACCM.


Value Statement #1—Students will take an active role in their own learning.

  • Properly evaluating interest and ability before entering a program of study.
  • Being responsible for their own attendance, promptness, and comprehension of course skills and concepts.
  • Showing initiative in seeking assistance when needed.
  • Actively participating in student government and departmental clubs and organizations.

Value Statement #2—Students will exhibit academic honesty at all times.

  • Abstaining from plagiarism, undocumented duplication, or misrepresentation of another's work as one's own.
  • Making no attempt to falsify for one's own gain.

Value Statement #3—Students will reflect a positive image of the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton.

  • Engaging in positive public relations with the community, either formally or casually.
  • Demonstrating pride in the campus and showing care toward campus facilities and equipment.
  • Upholding UACCM standards in the workplace.


Central Value: That all College staff project an image supportive of the objectives of the College Mission.

Value Statement #1—That staff strongly support the growth and development of faculty and students.

  • Provide periodic faculty/staff workshops.
  • Provide adequate funding for faculty/staff travel to the extent possible.
  • Encourage faculty/staff in the pursuit of higher education.
  • Provide adequate hours of operation and qualified personnel in the Library to accommodate student needs.
  • Provide student organizations in each major area of study.
  • Periodic evaluation of faculty, staff, and student development.

Value Statement #2—Staff are responsible for carrying out policies and procedures of the College.

  • Maintain a current manual of policies and procedures.
  • Be knowledgeable of current policies and procedures.
  • Make procedures manual readily available to any interested persons.
  • Dress, speak, and behave in a professional manner.

Value Statement #3—Staff projects a professional image of cooperation and honesty between all college personnel, students, and the community.

  • Exhibit willingness to give help whenever possible.
  • Maintain an open-door policy.
  • Display common courtesy in dealing with co-workers, students, and the public.
  • Maintain a positive, professional attitude.
  • Be able to accept constructive criticism.
  • Maintain honesty and fairness in daily activities and interaction.


Central Value: That UACCM has a responsibility to serve various aspects of the community, including industry, individuals, civic groups, and governmental agencies, and should strive to make these groups aware of UACCM's mission and community impact as well as its need for community involvement and support.

Value Statement #1—The College will promote actions that will facilitate involvement with the various groups identified in the Central Value Statement.

A. Industry
  • Determine industry needs through staff visits and surveys.
  • Offer facilities/human resources to industry.
  • Plan/organize and present specific classes for industries.
  • Promote internship for students.
  • Improve working relationships with advisory committees by involving them in college activities and planning.
  • Utilize industry personnel in classroom activities.

B. Individuals

  • Survey community to determine credit/non-credit courses desired.
  • Provide a mix of technical, academic, and self-improvement courses at times which will meet the community needs.
  • Provide community, social, and cultural activities on campus.
  • Utilize students in high school career-day presentations.
  • Assess student needs/satisfaction through surveys of students and graduates.
  • Plan and promote cultural activities.

C. Civic Groups/Government Agencies

  • Promote faculty civic involvement.
  • Invite groups to visit.
  • Develop seminars/workshops.
  • Invite community groups to participate in college activities.
  • Develop projects which combine efforts of student groups, staff, and community groups.


Central Value: The faculty of UACCM has the responsibility to contribute to and be supportive of the College Mission.

Value Statement #1—Quality instruction must be maintained.

  • Provide students with course objectives, policies, procedures, and grading policy in writing.
  • Establish realistic competencies.
  • Prepare for classes thoroughly and completely.
  • Monitor attrition and retention rates for each course.
  • Keep students informed of their progress.
  • Review course offerings and course content annually and revise if needed.
  • Keep current in your field; demonstrate professional competence.
  • Stay in contact with advisees.

Value Statement #2—The faculty must cultivate and preserve an environment in which students are able to attain their full potential.

  • Be serious and enthusiastic about all courses.
  • Offer students opportunities to analyze, evaluate, verbalize, synthesize, and apply their knowledge.
  • Challenge students with thought-provoking material.
  • Make course work relevant to the real world.
  • Establish high and realistic expectations.
  • Be prompt in carrying out classroom responsibilities as well as all other duties.
  • Provide encouragement and constructive criticism so that the students will realize their potential.

Value Statement #3—The faculty is responsible for their actions as they carry out their assignments.

  • Know the policies and procedures of the College.
  • Maintain and display a positive professional attitude.
  • Meet deadlines and responsibilities promptly.
  • Dress, speak, and behave in a professional manner.
  • Be courteous to administrators, staff, faculty, and students.
  • Treat all students equally.
  • Assist students in job placement.


Central Value: The Board of Trustees, Board of Visitors, and administration will provide leadership and support in upholding the stated Mission of the College.

  • Fulfill commitments made in public representations.
  • Develop a Strategic Plan for the College based upon the objectives stated in the College Mission.
  • Employ the best-qualified personnel available.
  • Employ personnel who commit themselves to the institutional values established.
  • Assure that the College's practices are consistent with its publicly stated policies.
  • Adhere to the civil laws of the state/nation, and the ethical practices established by the Board.
  • Operate without conflict of interest at all levels.
  • Comply with the Freedom of Information Act.
  • Develop a positive image throughout the communities served.
  • Involve the faculty and staff in the decision-making process.
  • Share the goals of the College with its constituencies.
  • Make decisions based upon the published mission of the College.