Academic Clemency/Forgiveness
Academic clemency-forgiveness is a provision designed to help students who, because of personal crisis, immaturity, or other exceptional circumstances, have not demonstrated their true abilities in performing college work. This provision is available to students who demonstrate acceptable academic performance following their return.
The following conditions must be met for a student to receive academic clemency/forgiveness:
- Separation from all academic institutions for a period of at least three years.
- Completion of a minimum of 12 hours of college-level courses taken at the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton after reentry with a 2.00 or better grade point average.
- Formal written request submitted to the Registrar, which should include: semester(s) for which academic clemency/forgiveness is requested; an explanation for consideration; and the student’s signature and date of request. (Selected courses in a given semester may not be excluded.)
- Academic clemency/forgiveness can only be requested one time for up to four semesters.
Upon approval by the Registrar, the student will be granted academic clemency on credit earned as a UACCM student.
Please see the UACCM catalog for additional information.
Academic clemency/forgiveness may or may not affect a student’s financial aid eligibility
Academic Records
Students may request academic records by completing the Request Information from Academic File form. The form can be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the following methods:
- Pick up in person. Students must show a Photo ID if picking up a transcript or any information from academic file.
- Mail to UACCM Registrar’s Office, 1537 University Blvd, Morrilton, AR 72110
- Email to
The signature on the request must match the signature in student’s academic file. According to Federal Privacy Laws, we are required to verify a student’s signature before processing the request.
The request must have the student’s complete Student ID or complete SSN. According to Federal Privacy Laws, we are required to verify a student’s Student ID or SSN before processing the request.
Academic Standing
Academic standing covers probation, continued probation, and suspension.
A student will be placed on Academic Probation at the end of a term (fall, spring, or summer) in which the student’s term and cumulative GPA falls below a 2.00.
Continued Probation
A student will remain on probation if the term GPA is a 2.00 or above, but the cumulative GPA is still below 2.00 at the end of any term (fall, spring, or summer).
Students currently on Academic Probation that have a term and cumulative GPA below 2.00 at the end of a term (fall, spring, or summer) will be placed on Academic Suspension. Students placed on Academic Suspension are not allowed to enroll the following semester. However, students can appeal their Academic Suspension if they choose to do so by completing an Academic Suspension Appeal Form.
Second Suspension
Students who have been suspended two or more times must appeal for re-admittance to UACCM by completing the Academic Suspension Appeal Form. For more information regarding Second Suspension, please visit the Registrar's Office.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Probation, Continued Probation, and Suspension
- Probation is only a warning status.
- Continued Probation tells students that they are improving, but there is still room for improvement.
- Students who appeal their suspension will do so to a committee made up of faculty and staff members. This committee meets at the end of the fall and spring semesters and several times during the summer.
- Students on probation, continued probation, suspension or second suspension status are notified by mail.
- The difference between suspension and second suspension is that a student must appeal before being allowed to return to UACCM for a second suspension.
- For a first suspension a student may either sit the semester out, or he or she can appeal to the Academic Standards Committee.
Calculating Your Grade Point Average (GPA)
Semester GPA is calculated by dividing the number of grade points earned by the number of credit hours completed. The semester GPA includes developmental credit.
Calculating a Cumulative GPA is a simple process of dividing Points by the Divisor. Grades of "AU", "CR", "P" and "NC", as well as developmental credit, are excluded from both the points and the divisor.
Attempted Hours
Credit hours for which students earn a grade (excluding grades of "AU", "P" or "W").
Credit Hours
The hours assigned to a course. This number is listed in both the schedule of classes and the catalog and is usually 1 to 5 hours.
Number of (college-level) attempted hours at the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton (excluding courses with grades of "AU", "CR", "P" or "NC").
Earned Hours:
Credit hours passed with a grade of "D" or higher. Pre-college courses such as remedial or developmental courses, are not included in Earned Hours but are used in calculating the term GPA. Transfer credit is not considered in determining the GPA for UACCM.
Grade Value
The numerical value assigned to a grade:
- A = 4 points
- B = 3 points
- C = 2 points
- D = 1 point
- F = 0 points
- Grade of “I” is also assigned a 0 point value.
Number of credit hours for a course times the grade value.
When a course in which the student received a substandard grade is repeated, only the best completion will be used in calculation of Cumulative GPA.
Change of Major
Current students desiring to change a previously-declared career or degree program should submit a Change of Major form. The form must include the correct UACCM Student ID, or it will not be processed.
Once processed, the Student Success Center will be notified to change the student's advisor. Campus Connect will show your new advisor when assigned.
Course Add/Withdrawal
Course Add/Withdrawal covers adding a class, complete withdrawals, and dropping a class.
Adding a Class
Students can only add classes during the scheduled registration times. This must be done through the advising center or with their advisor.
Complete Withdrawal
Students who choose not to attend the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton after they have enrolled in courses must officially withdraw. Failure to officially withdraw may result in the student receiving failing grades and having financial charges applied to the student’s account.
Dropping a Class
Students can withdraw from a class through the Registrar’s Office. They must complete a Course Drop/Withdrawal Form before a class can be dropped.
Students may be dropped with a 100% refund in tuition and fees by submitting a Course Drop/Withdrawal Form or written request to the Registrar’s Office by the last business day prior to the beginning of the term.
Last dates to withdraw can be found in the Academic Calendar.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Course Add/Withdrawal
- When students drop a class, the grade of a “W” will appear on their UACCM transcript. Even though this appears on their transcript, it does not calculate in their grade point average.
- “W” means that the student initiated the drop. “AW” means that the instructor initiated the drop. “AW” does not calculate into the grade point average.
- When a student drops a class after the semester has begun, the Student Accounts Office must sign the form. If the student has financial aid, the Financial Aid Office must sign the form, and if it is a complete drop, the library must also sign the form.
Enrollment/Degree Verification
The Registrar's Office can provide students as well as companies/organizations with verification of enrollment at UACCM.
Students needing verification of enrollment at UACCM should submit the Certification of Enrollment Request form. This form requires the student’s signature and must be mailed. Students may also pick up a verification in the Registrar’s office by showing their photo ID.
To conveniently serve companies/organizations needing enrollment/degree awarded data, UACCM has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as its agent for around the clock verification accessibility.
To contact the Clearinghouse:
- Telephone: (703) 742-4200
Transfer Credit
Degree seeking students must provide official transcripts to the Admissions Office from every college/university attended. Once the transfer credit has been evaluated by the Registrar's Office, student’s will be able to view any applied credit on their unofficial transcript on Campus Connect as well as Degree Audit. The Registrar’s office will only award transfer credit from accredited institutions for courses with grades of “C” or better. Although accepted by UACCM, a transfer credit may not be applicable toward degree requirements for your specific major.
- UACCM will recognize transfer credit from a U.S. institution provided that the institution is accredited by one of the six U.S. regional accreditation associations.
- UACCM will accept courses that are approved for transfer by the Arkansas Division of Higher Education (ADHE) through the Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS). ACTS provides comparable course information to facilitate student transfer within the Arkansas public colleges and universities. Additional information and the list of courses that transfer between institutions can be found on the ACTS website.
- Transfer credit for coursework from institutions outside the U.S. will be considered on an individual basis. Students seeking transfer of credit from a foreign college/university must complete a credential evaluation through a company authorized by the UACCM Registrar’s Office.
The following are not accepted for general transfer credit:
- Courses taken at a non-accredited school or one whose accreditation is not recognized
- Remedial/developmental/pre-college level courses
- Professional development courses
- Continuing education units
Grade of “D” Transfer
Students may request up to two courses with a grade of “D” to be transferred from another accredited institution. There is a Grade of “D” Transfer Request Form that students must complete. For more information, please see the Registrar’s Office regarding guidelines for this process.
Other Types of Credit Accepted
AP Credit
High School students who have participated in The College Board’s AP Program may receive college credit by attaining UACCM’s AP qualifying score.
CLEP Credit
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) allows students to earn credit towards completion of a certificate and/or degree at UACCM.
Departmental Exam
Students may receive credit for technical course by successfully completing the departmental exam for a course.
Prior Learning Credit
The College recognizes that not all learning takes place in a traditional classroom; therefore students are given an opportunity to receive academic credit from seminars completed or completion of specialized training, including military training. Credit will be evaluated upon the student’s request and only if the student is degree or certificate seeking. Credit will only be awarded if applicable to the student’s declared major. Students are eligible for a maximum of 30 prior learning credit hours. Requests for prior learning credit can be made by submitting a Prior Learning Credit Request form to the Registrar’s Office. If planning to transfer after attending UACCM, prior learning credits may not be accepted by the transfer institution.
Documentation provided to the College upon request for prior learning credit will be reviewed by a committee, and an objective determination will be made as to which, if any, courses the applicant may have obtained sufficient knowledge and skills that would be equivalent to course objectives. If the student has successfully documented equivalent learning to meet course objectives, credit will be awarded. Final authority for the awarding of prior learning credit rests with the Vice Chancellor for Academics.
Articulated Credit
High school students taking career and technical education courses in high school may receive credit if they earn a “B” or higher in courses that have been articulated between UACCM and their high school.
For more information on transfer credit, AP, CLEP, Departmental Exams, Prior Learning for Articulated credit, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Transfer Credit
- Students interested in what will transfer to UACCM from other Arkansas institutions can check out the Arkansas Course Transfer Systems (ACTS). This is the best source of information on course equivalencies for students. Students may use this site to compare courses from any two public institutions in the state.
- Accreditations that UACCM accepts are: EH (New England Association of Schools and Colleges), M (Middle States Associations of Colleges and Schools), NH (North Central Association of Colleges and Schools), NW (Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities), SC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools), WC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges), and WJ (Western Association of Schools and Colleges).
- Only six hours of “D’s” may be transferred.
- AP and CLEP credit cannot be accepted on a high school or college transcript. The Registrar’s Office must see the official scores.
- There is a fee for departmental exams. Students must pay the fee at the Student Accounts Window in the lobby of the University Center before taking the departmental exam.
- Students must request Articulated Credit within 15 months after graduation from high school. Students requesting credit must visit with the Registrar's Office.
- Technical Courses are normally not transferable. Students must request technical hours through the dean for the student’s major. Only general education courses are transferred through the Registrar’s Office. For questions regarding transfer courses, students should visit with the Registrar’s Office.
Transcript Request
Transcripts for students and alumni can be requested in person, for pick up by another person, or through the mail or email at no charge.
In Person
Request at the Registrar’s Office in room 215 of the University Center. To pick up paper transcripts, students must show a Photo ID.
For Pick Up by Another
Individuals other than the student picking up a transcript must provide a Transcript Request Form or authorization form signed by the student giving them permission for release of the transcript. They must also show a photo ID at time of pick-up.
Request By Mail (or Email)
Complete and sign a Transcript Request Form and submit the form to the Registrar’s Office.
- Mail the form to Office of the Registrar, 1537 University Blvd., Morrilton, AR 72110
- Or email to
The signature on the request must match the signature in student’s academic file. According to Federal Privacy Laws, we are required to verify a student’s signature before processing the request.
Requests must have the student’s complete Student ID or complete SSN. According to Federal Privacy Laws, we are required to verify a student’s Student ID or SSN before processing the request.
Request forms will not be processed for students who have holds on their accounts.
Transcripts mailed or submitted electronically to the receiving institution are classified as “official.” Transcripts faxed or printed from Campus Connect are classified as “unofficial."